BK Asset Management

Based out of New York City, BK Asset Management is an arm of BKForex Advisors LLC, a CTA registered with the NFA and a boutique foreign exchange research and advisory firm. Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg founded BKForex Advisors in 2007 to provide trading signals to customers. After 5 years of positive returns, they launched BK Asset Management in June 2012 with a mission to provide investors with diversification through exposure to currencies. Lien and Schlossberg have more than 30 years of combined financial market experience and have effectively developed discretionary trading strategies that incorporate macro economic views with technical analysis. Having previously managed foreign exchange research teams for FXCM and GFT Markets, two leading online foreign exchange brokers, Lien and Schlossberg have always been Traders First and Analysts Second. This alpha generating spirit has led to their spin-off and formation of BK Asset Management. Lien and Schlossberg will continue to provide forex trading signal services through bkforex.com