Dr Steinbock

Dr Steinbock

CEO Difference Group

Dr Steinbock is an internationally recognized expert of the multipolar world. He focuses on international business, international relations, investment and risk among the major advanced economies and large emerging economies; as well as multipolar trends in stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities. Altogether, he analyzes some 40 major world economies and a dozen strategic nations, across all world regions.His commentaries are released regularly by major media in all world regions (see http://www.differencegroup.net ).

Dr Steinbock is CEO and founder of DifferenceGroup (for more, see www.differencegroup.net). In addition to advisory activities, he is affiliated as Research Director of International Business at India China and America Institute, and as Visiting Fellow in Shanghai Institutes for International Studies SIIS (China) and EU Center (Singapore). As a Senior Fulbright scholar, he is affiliated with Stern/NYU, Columbia Graduate School of Business and has cooperated with Harvard Business School and Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (IFTI). He has advised/consulted for the OECD, the European Commission, the Nordic Council and European government agencies, multinationals and SMEs, financial intermediaries and institutional investors, competitiveness and innovation organizations, and so on. For Dr Steinbock's comments, keynotes, economic briefings and strategic engagements, please contact Executive Assistant Ms Wendy Song ([email protected])