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The website FXboss is the leading source of expert market opinions on a range of securities.

The site makes brilliant analysis of markets available to small traders and investors for a modest subscription.With FXBOSS, you're benefiting from the same proprietary alerts and analysis tracked by specialists in the institutional trading rooms. You get the same technical analysis that signal price change; the same Orders Boards, showing where the largest traders are positioned and the same news alerts and analysis from over 70 forex specialists around the world.

FXBOSS receives 24-hour streaming news and expert commentary. Over 70 FXBOSS forex specialists talk to trading rooms in the world’s currency capitals and track major political, economic and market events globally. They give you the instant, live, tradeable information you need to judge the direction of the market, and make informed decisions about your trades.

As a subscriber, you will receive weekly and daily charts and forecasts for the Euro, Pound, Yen, Franc, New Zealand Dollar, Rand, Brazilian Real, Russian Rouble, gold, oil and any other stock or commodity of your choice when you sign up.